Intuitive Embodiment Rolfing® Structural Integration allows for an abundance of vitality and empowerment by creating a sense of spaciousness within the body.

What is Rolfing®?

Rolfing® Structural Integration is a whole-body approach to alignment and wellness. While sessions are offered individually the full benefits of Rolfing® are best experienced through what is referred to as the ten-series.

Can I do only 1 session?

Yes! Sessions can be designed around your availability and financial need. Rolfing sessions incorporate a range of touch from light to deep and techniques may include Craniosacral or Energy work. A light touch to none touch session is also available which utilizes primarily Craniosacral techniques as well as Energy Work.

The ten-series:

The ten-series is essentially one session that is broken down into 10 to 15 hours of manual therapy that is performed over 6 weeks to 10 months. The client and practitioner work together to unwrap fascial tensions in the body which allows the individual to align in gravity. This increased ease in the gravitational field allows for better posture, and many have reported an increase in mobility, flexibility, and decreased pain.

The ten series journey: 

The first 3 sessions are referred to as "the sleeve" sessions. In these sessions, we address superficial fascia and superficial areas of the body. The idea is to work light to deep and head to toe in an almost “puff-pastry” like way with the fascial. Slowly unwinding the patterns. 

The contemplative aspect of the sleeve sessions addresses "where am I?". This is where you are in your body but also in life in terms of mental, emotional, and spiritual states. 

The next 4 sessions are "the core" sessions. Here, we will work on deeper relationships within the fascial layers but also within deep structures such as spinal rotations and core-to-sleeve relationships. The contemplative aspect of this area addresses "who am I?". Often during these sessions, clients begin to evaluate various patterns in their life and body and relationships regarding their past and present. 

The last 3 sessions are referred to as "the integration" sessions. Here we work by integrating the work with your daily movement patterns to bring the body together in harmony while addressing and cleaning up any functional issues still present in the system. The contemplative aspect of these sessions is "where am I going?". These sessions work to establish who you are in your daily life and how you can present your most authentic self to the world while moving through the world with greater ease.

Each client has their own journey with rolfing structural integration. It's a very experiential process and I would say no two sessions or experiences are quite the same. While many find that their bodies look more aligned, I would say that the goal is to allow for more options in movement, function, and experience. Often we get bound in habitual patterns and entire muscle groups will begin to function in tandem. Rolfing works to reawaken the body and its systems to their individual functions, allowing them to work together or not. A pleasant benefit is that often people feel more at ease in their bodies and experience a decrease in pain. Although, pain in itself is a tricky thing to understand as pain is really just a sensation mixed with emotion. 

What happens after the ten-series?

After the 10 to 15 sessions are complete, I ask that my clients move on to “Integration” which is also referred to as sessions 11 and 12. These sessions take place on their own in the 6 weeks to 3 months following the completion of the ten-series. Here the client receives no further rolfing work for 6 weeks to a year or more. During this time clients use the education learned and embodiment gained to bring themselves to ease; it also allows the body to adapt and integrate on its own.

After the ten-series, clients sometimes never receive any further rolfing work, while others will receive touch-up work maybe every other month or once a year. Some may choose to go through the 10-series again after a time. It's a very personalized experience and up to the discretion of the client. 

To make an appointment or if you have further questions, please feel free to reach out at or 215-859-2479.

I’m looking forward to working with you!

“When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through, then spontaneously, the body heals itself.”
— Ida P. Rolf